Before washing clothes by hand we classify them by color: Always wash separate white and light colors and on the other hand dark colors (black, blue, brown etc). You also have to wash separately -each separately- the colors are not resistant and is the first washing. For example there are strong colors pashminas, like red or green and when we see them know that they will fade. Once we have the clothes by color treat stains and heavily soiled areas like collars and cuffs ...
For hand washing clothes we suggest the following:
- We normally use warm water and soap for delicate fabrics, usually neutral, so it is NO alkaline.
- Put it in a bowl or bucket a little detergent, the ratio is usually indicated on the boat ... detergent for 3, 4 or 5 liters of water. It has to be well dissolved in water with hand stirring. If it does not dissolve well, for example in the case of silk can be spotted.
- We put the garment in the soapy water and let soak 3 to 5 minutes maximum. With the hand placed the clothes so as to penetrate evenly water and soap. This step we don't do with wool and silk, should not leave to soak. The wool can be caked and in the case of silk, what you do is put in and take the pledge several times in water and detergent.
- If it was necessary, rub gently some area without twisting or squeezing of excessively.
- We rinse the clothes completely in warm water until the water runs clear, should change the water several times.
- In some cases it is fine to use towels to remove excess moisture, such as sweaters, socks and delicate lingerie. The garments are hung only in case that the weight of water do not stretch and deform them.
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